Reveal the Divine

Freely Received.  Freely Given.


This is the accurate account of my Divine Presence encounters.
Best enjoyed by suspending disbelief, like watching a movie.

Removing the human veil at the age of eleven, Divine presence revealed itself to me for the first time as a being of white-light. Similar to the near-death experience of leaving one’s body, this being’s presence became my very life-force, which I felt as unconditional love. A seed, planted deep within my psyche was the hidden voice: “Return to me.”

Months later, descending upon me as a shadow, the human veil returned and the light vanished from my awareness. The excruciating pain swelled, sending me into a dark downward spiral through my high school years, plunging me into the depths of alcohol, drugs and the deceit of duality. I didn’t know if I would ever make it back.

In 1978, lost in the density of my human reality, I reached the end of myself. After weeping by a lake for two days, I began hitchhiking back to the Rockies to live as a mountain man. My heart swelled with the yearning to find the light again, if at all possible, but I was willing to forego all other desires. Four weeks later, Divine presence appeared and soon afterward, the explanation:

“If you ask with all your heart, I will reveal myself to you.”

Propelling me to dig deep within myself, I discovered layers of desires, emotional pains and false perceptions obfuscating my view of the Divine. Over the years, one by one, after each layer dissolved, I would be freed to seek Divine presence with all my heart again, leading me to encounters more expansive than the previous, including – revealing my human spirit, crossing the chasm of death and unveiling the holographic nature of the physical realm.

My human-centric point of view shifted towards outside myself as if Divine was looking in and I became like my own Netflix movie I would title; “The infinite experiencing the finite.”

Proving itself true over ten times, an encounter always happens when my genuine heart-felt desire to see the Divine rises up through my hierarchy of human desires until I can genuinely say, there is nothing I desire more than you. This was the message, the unlocking key.

But therein lies the rub. Maintaining this level can be a monumental task until my current human aspiration/desire, beautifully embedded within me, unfolds and finds its resolution. As each is neutralized, I am energetically freed to seek with all my heart. When sustained for at least two weeks (my magical time frame) it works 100% of the time. When not sustained, it never works.

Why these encounters have come to me, I truly don’t know. For decades I felt that if just for me, what a waste, so I shared. But only a dozen or so experienced the undeniable lifting of the human veil in order to see Divine presence, each in their own personally crafted experience.

Marking my life from one Divine presence encounter to the next, I’m nearing the completion of my life, wishing to leave behind the record of my experiences, documenting a message – that if we ask, with all our heart, the result will Reveal the Divine.

Robert “Bodhi” Bigelow

Divine presence is the message.
Please don’t confuse the message with the messenger.

Life After Death

The emotional pain of loss of my girlfriend in 2016, led me to seeking the Divine just like my dad taught me. My humanity fell back on itself and the veil of humanity was lifted, leaving just the overwhelming presence of the divine within the spiritual realm.

Chris Bigelow

After a few sessions with Bodhi, I felt the presence of my own soul for the first time. Just a glimpse, but wonderful. We became friends and after my mother passed another session freed me from the pain of loss and filled me with unconditional love.

Marcy Heller

Seeing Robert every few days going through his version of the 40-days in the wilderness in 2016, reflected his deep struggle and yearning to connect with the Divine. But when it actually happened, it was like he just returned from the center of the universe.

Gregg Serano

Thought is the Mind’s Way of Translating Energy into Language.