Consciousness Slider - Reveal The Divine

Consciousness Slider Explanation

How It Works

The Consciousness Slider moves away (left is darker) or closer (right is lighter) to The Soul. The position of the slider determines our thought processes. Directly over the human results in human oriented thoughts. As the slider shifts toward the soul, the more light opens and spiritualizes our mind. If we continue the heart-felt journey, eventually The Veil is lifted to Reveal the Divine..

The Divine

A being of unfathomable existence who’s energy created and permeates spiritual and physical universes to evolve back unto itself. Thus, the infinite experiences the finite. Completely fulfilling in and of itself, Divine energy is filtered through The Veil as fifty shades of love and fulfillment.

The Soul

The Divine manifesting as an oval array of light, forms a union with our consciousness that survives death. As the conduit to the Divine, the Soul has the power to spiritualize our mind and responds to our heart-felt desire to Reveal the Divine. The Soul can be seen when The Veil is lifted.

The Veil

Filtering the higher vibrations of energy and light from our soul creates the finite human experience with all its dramas. The Soul has exclusive power to lift the veil, not the human consciousess.

Human Consciousness

Awareness of one’s existence as human. Exists behind The Veild between mind and soul. Can include spiritual concepts. Easily mistaken for Soul Consciousness. Expands into Soul Consciousness as The Veil is lifted.

The Slider (Golden Triangle)

Our level of thought is determined by the proximity of our consciousness to the veil. Closer results in spiritualized mind, farther results in human oriented mind. The mind, (not brain), governs our actions.

Circular Human Thinking

Human POV revolves around itself. When The Veil is lifted, the POV shifts to outside human self to Soul’s perception. Sometimes referred to as enlightenment, awakening, spirit filled or Samadhi.