Life After Death

Life After Death

Life After Death - Reveal The Divine

An excerpt from

The Spirit Awakens

Right then, I felt a surge of elevation as my spirit soared to a new height of vibration. I was no longer aware of Martha’s presence or of being in her living room where my body sat. I didn’t care because I was completely at peace. It was a wonderful place to be, so alive and filled with energy.

I found myself standing on the edge of a chasm and was being pulled from the other side. The chasm seemed to be void of the energy that existed in this realm and I could not see to the other side but knew something was there. I still felt connected to my body and vaguely remember looking down over my left shoulder and seeing myself and Martha sitting on the couch. I sensed an energetic thread attaching me to my body below and began feeling the desire to have it cut.

Then I was pulled from beyond the chasm at my solar plexus and felt the snapping of the chord attached to my body. As I passed through the threshold, I experienced the transformation from being a spirit bound to the earth (the physical dimension) into an eternal spirit connected to God and the entire universe. In an instant I was completely set free from death and all the fears associated to it. I was taken through the process of physical death and transformed into an eternal spirit, radiating like a star pulsating with light and love. This was breathtaking and overwhelming and yet felt so natural. I had gone home. This is what I have always sought and dreamed of in my life. This level of existence was freeing.

Knowles was leading me and it felt like he was holding my hand as we passed others, just like me, radiating love and light as they existed in eternal peace. Each one was unique, having their own identity without being separate from the others, we were all one, knit together in the same fabric of light. They were neither male or female but embodied the characteristics of both in harmonious oneness.

The very first one I encountered beautifully smiled from his core as I felt the energy of his being transparently conveyed to me. He was filled with love and excitement for me because he knew me and where I was being led. My heart went out to him like a best friend I’ve known all my life as I smiled back with my soul.

I looked up at Knowles to verify the friendship and compassionate understanding I just felt and he conveyed to me complete transparency and love between beings here. This is when I noticed a distinction between Knowles and these other beings. Like me, they too were of the human category of spirit but Knowles existed as a different being. Knowles was uniquely different than us both in energy but his true form was shrouded from me. I had the sense he was projecting an image of himself that I would be able to grasp. Knowles was twice my height and was leading me by the hand like the older brother of a little child. This is when I realized that Knowles’ friends were not visually present, it was just him leading me.

Turning back to the others, as I passed each of them, my experience was the same as the first one. There was a complete transparency from one being to another and no aspect of our existence was withheld from each other. We were as one yet unique. They were all the same oval array of light that Knowles showed me earlier.

However, the visual sense (as in seeing) was the least important of the senses available to me. There were other senses that I was completely unfamiliar with and cannot begin to describe. There was the ability to experience each other as being one, not separate, yet unique, with the uninterrupted flow of the energy that constitutes existence itself, which mortals vaguely discern and translate as love.

I loved all of them fully as we existed in eternal love, desiring or needing absolutely nothing, for we were all filled with the very energy of life. We possessed the full qualities of the male and female aspects, which made us neither one or the other, but both. Here, the male and female were joined together within everyone as whole beings. The duality of gender was created only upon incarnation into human form.

Nobody was exclusively bound to another (as in having a mate) but we were bound to one another through the energy of Divine Love. Pain, suffering and loneliness did not exist, in fact, it was not even thought of. The deep sorrows had left my existence and was replaced with radiant peace. Selfishness was impossible to conceive of because the great love of God left no room for any quality that did not originate from love.

After we passed all the others, I became aware of the fact that my physical body still lived in the company of a good friend who was watching me, wondering where I was and what was occurring inside of me. This awareness returned me to the couch as my physical sight came back into focus and I saw Martha looking straight at me, peacefully waiting for the wave to finish.

“I died.” I said with a smile.