The Human Veil
(or Shadow or mask)
An excerpt from
The Spirit Awakens
My mind wandered, replaying various scenes throughout my life, the good, the bad and the ugly. I saw flaws, layers of emotional pain and false perceptions exposed through life’s circumstances in order that they may be purged from my life. Sometimes I viewed them as a lesson, other times I buried the pain, not knowing it would come out sideways.
Seeing Divine Love as the energy of existence, flowing through me as my life-force, funneled through the filter of my human mask, into the language of human thought, to emerge out the other side as a diminished version adapted to the human psyche. My greatest experience of human love, merely one percent of the possibility at best, became my standard and aligned with the world.
Immersing me into the unfathomable stream of existence by removing the human veil, transformed me within moments, into an entirely different type of human being. Transparent humans completely fulfilled through the eternal energy of Divine Love, I wondered if this reality is what humans will eventually evolve into.
Then it hit… Like a tidal wave. All night waves of elation came upon me, creating great joy and peace, but this wave hurt.
Great fear ripped through the core of my being. Not fear of being harmed, but fear of being caught in a lie. Pulling back the curtain to my human-self, I became both the deceiver and the deceived.
“I am undone..! I am trapped within myself..! What will I do?” I was suspended in time without hope of escape.
I became spirit. Then something like a holographic fortress surrounded my human mind, shifting my consciousness from spirit to human by reflecting back to me my human oriented beliefs, thoughts, perceptions and limited physical senses in an array that resembled a stained-glass window. I absolutely believed what I thought to be true.
This mask, or veil (as I named it), is the shadow that filters out the higher vibrations of light emanating from The Divine through my soul.
The purpose of this veil is to effectively cause the densification of the energy of Divine light to solidify into what I can only perceive as a solid physical realm, turning my reality of a spiritual entity into a physical entity. Incorrectly defining it as the real-world, I could no longer see beyond my human-self.
This was the first lie I told myself and the lie from which all others are formed. This created the first pain, the pain of loss of direct connection with Divine Love and the pain from which all other pains evolve.
They showed me that as I’ve looked out from my human mind, through the years, my beliefs, self image and perceptions are constantly re-formed because they are based on the current condition of my mask.
Everything my human-self knows, including my spiritual beliefs and my interpretation of spiritual or religious text, is the result of truth being filtered through my mask. Therefore, to the human, truth is relative. If I cannot viscerally feel the presence of the energy of Divine Love, my mind formulates false conclusions and believes them as reality.
Knowles came to expose me to myself (please allow me to introduce myself) from outside my human consciousness. Removing the mask shifted my vantage point to see from outside my own ego (that which creates the awareness of the human-self, “I”). This changed everything.
A great sorrow washed over me.
But then a wave of knowledge… I understood what triggered this event. It was my sustained genuine desire to return to, not spiritual practice, but the presence of divine itself. I wanted to see God again.
At the age of eleven, I had a near-death-like experience, but without the death. I was taken up into a white-light and immersed into the presence of an indescribable love emanating from a divine being. This set the trajectory of my life towards intermittent experiences every three to five years because of my unquenchable desire to always return.
In between, I traversed all the dramas of life, exposing everything not originating from Divine Love, that I may choose to purge or retain. And for me personally, was a plethora to work through.
And so, it appears the human mask is designed to open as the heart-felt desire to see the divine outweighs all other desires. When this desire rises to the pinnacle of all other human desires, without rival, the veil is temporarily removed. This knowledge is one of the things they left me with.
I looked at Knowles, emanating this same love, and this is where he became my friend.
Then he spoke to me through the energy of knowledge:
“When you understand all I have shown you, you will be who you truly are. This is your task, and when completed, each of the others, in their time will come to you. This is your preparation for what is to come.”
The dimension closed and they were no more.